Our flight is called and we board. This leg of our trip (to Miami) we are not sitting together... & I guess I'm a little relieved that Jason & Michael can't see my cry as we take off. I am surprised at how I hurt to be leaving here. There is so much I want to do... so many I want to help... I cry because I'm leaving a part of my heart here. I -who couldn't conceive of going to Haiti just a few months ago- now cannot wait to go back!
Terrible living conditions - so many tents & huts. |
So much trash everywhere - yet people go through it to salvage what they can. |
Standing in line for clean water. |
The next leg of our journey home... our flight from Miami to Houston. Jason, Michael & I are all sitting together & we use this time to recap all we've seen & done in our short time here. Our reconnaissance mission is done - now, onto the planning phase so we can come back this summer as a church. I pray that we can instill our passion for Haiti into others. I want everyone to experience the glory of God through serving Him. I believe everyone who goes to Haiti & serves God (by helping others), will fall in love with this place - just like we have!
Re-entry into "civilization" is actually a bit difficult... Back home, it's hard to drive without feeling the need to speed, pass & honk at everyone else on the road! ;) It's really hard for me to see waste & entitlement. I find myself getting angry, knowing how much is seemingly taken for granted here. I pray that we will never become numb to the cries of the poor and that we will be moved to a radical compassion at the conditions in which many of these people live. I also pray that we won't limit God to what we can do or imagine... We need to remember that our God is so much bigger than we can ever know!
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